Blüthner Classic Models
One of the very rare 100% German made pianos of today and known for its “GOLDEN TONE”, the Blüthner piano is the “poet among pianos”. The unique singing quality of the upper register, which derives from the use of patented Blüthner Alliquot stringing method, led Peter Tchaikovsky ro exclaim: “Bluthner is the perfection of the sound.”

“Blüthner pianos can really sing, which is the most wonderful thing you can say about a piano.”
Martha Argerich
an Argentinian-born artist
One of the greatest privileges known to any pianomaker is the opportunity to collaborate with the artists of their day and to hear their instrument under the hands of a master. In turn, the artist’s instrument of choice becomes their voice, and their vehicle for inspiration. Through the unique, captivating sound of the Golden Tone, the Blüthner instrument has been honored to receive the adoration of some of the world’s finest composers and musicians throughout the generations.
Well known Blüthner pianists have included Willhelm II, Emperor Franz Joseph I, Johannes Brahms, Gustav Mahler, Liberace, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy, Dodie Smith, Max Reger, Richard Wagner, Johann Strauss, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Dmitri Shostakovich.

Sergei Rachmaninoff once said,
“There are only two things which I took with me on my way to America…my wife and my precious Blüthner”.
The Abbey Road Studios in London owned a Blüthner pianos which can be heard on the The Beatles’ Let It Be and The Long and Winding Road.
Generations of musicians and singers have been dedicated to the fascinating sound of a Bluthner.
Wilhelm Furtwängler, Theo Adam, Claudio Arrau, Emanuel Ax, Wilhelm Backhaus, Bela Bartók, Beaux Art Trio, Johannes Brahms, Ferruccio Busoni, Halina Czerny-Stefanska, Claude Debussy, Marlene Dietrich, Werner Egk, Carl Flesch, Kean Françaix, Bruno Leonardo Gelber, Benjamino Gigli, Jean Gilbert, Ingeborg Hallstein, Bibi Johns, Wilhelm Kempff, Franz Konvitschny, Erika Köth, Franz Lehár, Elisabeth Leonskaja, Franz Liszt, Nina Lizell, José Rodrigues Lopez, Peter Maffay, Oleg Maisenberg. Gustav Mahler, Igor Markevitch, Wayne Marshall, Yehudy Manuhin, Mario del Monaco,
Václav Neumann, Arthur Nikisch, Carl Orff, Hazy Osterwald, Josef Pembauer, Hermann Prey, Sergei Prokofiev, Sergei Rachmaninov, Max Reger, Arthur Rubinstein, Wolfgang Sauer, Fjodor Schaljapin, Dmitri Schostakovich, Peter Schreier, Carl Seemann, Peter Serkin, Hugo Steuer, Johann Strauss, Richard Tauber, Tobert Teichmüller, The Beatles, Artur Pizarro, Peter I. Tchaikovsky, Richard Wagner, Andrew Lloyd Webber
- who has owned more than a dozen Blüthner pianos, and many more.