One of the very rare 100% German made pianos of today and known for its “golden tone”, the Blüthner piano is the “poet among pianos”.
The unique singing quality of the upper register, which derives from the use of the patented Blüthner Alliquot stringing method, led Peter Tchaikovsky to exclaim: “Bluthner is the perfection of the sound.”
160 years of master craftsmanship have profited numerous royal courts of Europe, including Her Majesty the Queen of England, famous composers and pianists such as Sergei Rachmaninof and Franz Liszt, as well as celebrated artists such as The Beatles and Andrew Lloyd Webber, who owns 12 Blüthner pianos.
Blüthner Classic Models
Blüthner’s Classic Model grand and upright pianos are manufactured in Germany by the family-run Blüthner company. The distinct Golden Tone of Blüthner pianos has arisen from 150 years of design evolution.
Innovations at Blüthner have introduced a distinctly curved soundboard which grants long-term stability to the piano as well as the patented Aliquot System. This development, established in 1872, saw an additional fourth string attached to the bridge in the treble section of the piano and positioned so as not to be struck by the hammers. Instead, its sound is heard by sympathetic resonance as the other strings sound, creating Blüthner’s distinctive warm and romantic tone.

Blüthner Supreme Edition
The interior of these instruments are built to the same gold standard as the Bluthner Classic edition. Whichever instrument of this collection suits your style, each one represents the finest in piano making: masterful construction, the finest quality of materials, a wide dynamic range, a responsive touch and superior craftsmanship. This series is for the connoisseur who is not only looking for a masterful instrument, but a work of art as well.

“Following countless performances in some of the most prestigious concert halls in the world – I am convinced – Blüthner pianos have an exceptionally beautiful tone. I prefer Blüthner pianos to other instruments.”
Mikhail Pletnev

“Blüthner pianos can really sing, which is the most wonderful thing you can say about a piano.”
Martha Argerich
an Argentinian-born artist
One of the greatest privileges known to any pianomaker is the opportunity to collaborate with the artists of their day and to hear their instrument under the hands of a master.
In turn, the artist’s instrument of choice becomes their voice, and their vehicle for inspiration. Through the unique, captivating sound of the Golden Tone, the Blüthner instrument has been honored to receive the adoration of some of the world’s finest composers and musicians throughout the generations.
Well known Blüthner pianists have included Willhelm II, Emperor Franz Joseph I, Johannes Brahms, Gustav Mahler, Liberace, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy, Dodie Smith,
Max Reger, Richard Wagner, Johann Strauss,
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Dmitri Shostakovich.
Sergei Rachmaninoff once said,
“There are only two things which I took with me on my way to America…my wife and my precious Blüthner”.
The Abbey Road Studios in London owned a Blüthner pianos which can be heard on the The Beatles’ Let It Be and The Long and Winding Road.

“The touch is extraordinary and the tone is so beautiful that I must express my utter admiration for this instrument.”
—Claude Debussy
“There is unanimous consent that everything which to be expected in a perfect piano – sweetness and power of tone, fluent touch, and resistance to all climates – is found in a Blüthner.”
—Franz Liszt
“This Blüthner had the most beautiful singing tone I have ever found. I became quite enthusiastic and decided to play my beloved Barcarolle of Chopin. The piano inspired me. I don’t think I ever played better in my life. And then the miracle happened; they played it back to me and I must confess that I had tears in my eyes. It was the performance that I dreamed of and the sound reproduced faithfully the golden tone of the piano.”
—Arthur Rubinstein
“We have played on many terrible instruments. Today luckily we have the choice. Blüthner is our favourite”
—John Lennon
(“Let It Be” was recorded on a Blüthner)
Generations of musicians and singers have been dedicated to the fascinating sound of a Bluthner.
Wilhelm Furtwängler, Theo Adam, Claudio Arrau, Emanuel Ax, Wilhelm Backhaus, Bela Bartók, Beaux Art Trio, Johannes Brahms, Ferruccio Busoni, Halina Czerny-Stefanska, Claude Debussy, Marlene Dietrich, Werner Egk, Carl Flesch, Kean Françaix, Bruno Leonardo Gelber, Benjamino Gigli, Jean Gilbert, Ingeborg Hallstein, Bibi Johns, Wilhelm Kempff, Franz Konvitschny, Erika Köth, Franz Lehár, Elisabeth Leonskaja, Franz Liszt, Nina Lizell, José Rodrigues Lopez, Peter Maffay, Oleg Maisenberg. Gustav Mahler, Igor Markevitch, Wayne Marshall, Yehudy Manuhin, Mario del Monaco,
Václav Neumann, Arthur Nikisch, Carl Orff, Hazy Osterwald, Josef Pembauer, Hermann Prey, Sergei Prokofiev, Sergei Rachmaninov, Max Reger, Arthur Rubinstein, Wolfgang Sauer, Fjodor Schaljapin, Dmitri Schostakovich, Peter Schreier, Carl Seemann, Peter Serkin, Hugo Steuer, Johann Strauss, Richard Tauber, Tobert Teichmüller, The Beatles, Artur Pizarro, Peter I. Tchaikovsky, Richard Wagner, Andrew Lloyd Webber (who has owned more than a dozen Blüthner pianos), and many more.

Albert Einstein with Charlie Chaplin,
both Blüthner owners.
The following story about Albert Einstein was told to Charlie Chaplin by Mrs. Einstein: " The Doctor came down in his dressing-gown as usual for breakfast but he hardly touched a thing. I thought something was wrong, so I asked what was troubling him. "Darling", he said, "I have a wonderful idea." And after drinking his coffee, he went to the piano and started playing. Now and again he would stop, making a few notes then repeat: "I've got a wonderful idea, a marvellous idea!"
I said: "Then for goodness' sake tell me what it is, don't keep me in suspense.' He said: "It's difficult, I still have to work it out."' She told me he continued playing the piano and making notes for about half an hour, then went upstairs to his study, telling her that he did not wish to be disturbed, and remained there for two weeks. ....'Eventually he came down from his study looking very pale. "That's it", he told me, wearily putting two sheets of paper on the table. And that was his theory of relativity.' from My Autobiography Charles Chaplin.